The Giving Tree Centre


Αυτή η εταιρεία δεν έχει ενεργές θέσεις εργασίας

The Giving Tree Centre

Στοιχεία της εταιρείας

About Us

The Giving tree is a small cozy private English nursery school for children aged 18 months to 5 years old.  We have created a village nursery in the heart of Nicosia, where the education offered is a balance between formal learning and learning through play. Key to the ethos at The Giving Tree is that the children actively lead their own development with no pressure on them in any way.  From the day a new child starts at The Giving Tree, the school is geared up towards gentle preparation for the next step that will encourage the development of healthy bodies, thinking minds and confident spirits.

We celebrate and thrive upon our diversity of our school community, in which many nationalities are represented.  The Giving Tree has a passion for inclusion and welcomes all students regardless of race, gender and learning differences.


A central feature of The Giving Tree is maximizing the use of the Outdoor Classroom across the curriculum. It is to help develop our future citizens cultural, social and environmental sensitivities through excursions, tours, and community events.   

These visits and the outdoor classroom aim to provide a ‘deeper learning’ linking concepts studied in the classroom with real life hands on experiences.  From science activities in the school garden, to community visits to the local fire station to team building activities within the community it allows students to take charge of their own learning and bring indoor classroom learning to life. 


The Giving Tree celebrates and takes pride in its inclusive program and is passionate in creating an environment that offers a sense of community, acceptance and belonging for all students.  Our student support program is successful at including students with learning differences and meeting their needs in a positive and proactive way. The approach is flexible and adapted to meet individual needs of the child. We utilize a multi-disciplinary team approach in order to offer the best opportunity for children to be successful. The team includes a Child Psychologist/Play Specialist on staff, and an external speech and language therapist and special education specialists.  We also have a close partnership with recognized organizations in the UK. 


The afternoon program is open to all children who wish to broaden their learning experience in a fun and relaxed way.  Our club is open from 14:00pm until 17:30pm.